Esteem Newsletter | July 2024 View online

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Sent on behalf of Professor Perumal Nithiarasu, Associate Dean for Research, Innovation and Impact

Dear Colleagues,

Please read below about some of the Faculty’s most recent success stories. We would particularly like to see more from our Professional Services staff for the next email! 


Chemical Engineering Academic receives prestigious funding

Congratulations to Professor Chedly Tizaoui, Department of Chemical Engineering, who has received funding from OFWAT under the Water Breakthrough Challenge 4 Catalyst Stream.

Funding from the Water Services Regulation Authority (OFWAT) is extremely hard to acquire; it requires bold ideas that fuel innovation to benefit water customers, society and the environment. The £1.4 million project will develop and pilot technologies to regenerate activated carbon locally at the water treatment plant, reducing both financial costs and carbon emissions. Activated carbon is a crucial component of the drinking water treatment process since it ensures that toxic chemicals, such as pesticides, are eliminated before the water is distributed to the public. The project is a collaboration between Swansea University, the only academic partner, and industrial partners including Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Severn Trent, Panton McLeod, United Utilities, Affinity Water, Anglian Water, Uisce Éireann, and Industrie DeNora.

Geography academic receives Leverhulme research grant

Sport and Exercise Sciences academic featured on S4C documentary

Congratulations to Dr Iain Robertson, Department of Geography, who has been awarded a Leverhulme research grant of £211,929 to investigate "Remediation of plastic polluted water using biochar and steel industry waste" with Dr Stuart Cairns (geography) and Prof. Peter Holliman (engineering).

Although the right to safe and clean water has been recognised as a human right, the amount of waste plastic in the environment has increased dramatically over recent years. Specifically, smaller Nano and Microplastics (NMPs) are prevalent and enter the food chain with negative impacts on growth, development, reproduction and neurological functions.

This project will develop biochars (organic material derived from biomass) modified with steel industry waste (iron oxide) to remove MNPs from water, and recycle these biochars using novel, low-energy irradiation methods. This represents an opportunity to remove these harmful plastics using a novel, sustainable, cost-effective, and carbon sequestering material.

Dr Shane Heffernan, Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, and work from his team of international researchers on transgender athlete eligibility into the female category of elite sport was featured in an S4C documentary, Byd Eithafol (currently available on BBC iPlayer, 42 mins in).

This was preceded by an appearance on BBC News SportDay in April, accompanying a feature article following the publication of his most recent peer-reviewed work on the on the topic. This work has subsequently appeared across the Global news circuit, so far reaching well over a million people from the UK to the US and Japan. Dr Heffernan’s work on this topic has been included in UK Parliamentary documents, has been collected into the Olympic World Library and used practically via consultation with team members to help shape individual sports policies. This demonstrates the international reach and impact of this grow field of work.

Follow the progress of this work on The Differences in Sex Development and Transgender Elite Sport Study (DATES) research page and hear from Dr Heffernan on his upcoming Swansea University Global Problems Episode this month.

  Watch the documentary

Swansea University begins a citizen science project to capture changing coastlines

CoastSnap is a citizen science project to capture our changing coastlines. It relies on repeat photos taken at the same location to track how the coast is changing over time due to processes such as storms, rising sea levels, human activities and other factors, using a specialised technique known as photogrammetry. CoastSnap turns your photos into valuable coastal data that is used by coastal scientists to understand and forecast how coastlines might change in the coming decades.

In collaboration with the Welsh Coastal Monitoring Centre, a CoastSnap point has been established on the dunes behind the Bay Campus. Prof. Harshinie Karunarathna from the Faculty of Science and Engineering who established the project said ‘Understanding the coastal change against climate change and other environmental drivers requires long term coastal surveys. Monitoring coastlines is an expensive and time-consuming task. CoastSnap provides us an exciting and affordable alternative to continuously monitor coastline change behind Bay Campus. With this project we join a global network of citizen scientists who contributes to capture coastal change. All we ask is that you take a photo at the same location by using our official CoastSnap camera cradle located behind the Bay Campus and record the precise photo time in the App. Photogrammetry will enable the position of the coastline to be pinpointed from your snap to an accuracy similar to that of professional coastal survey teams.

  Find out more

Sport and Exercise Sciences researcher secures exciting new research funding

Congratulations to Christian Vassallo, who is part of the Elite and Professional Sport Research Group within the Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences for securing funding for a 2-year research project with Pioneered Athlete Performance Ltd (PAP). PAP is a human performance company that specialise in the preparation of motorsport athletes.

The project will pioneer the development of physiological, athletic and cognitive enhancement for motorsport athlete performance and will strengthen the existing research, work experience and employment opportunities between Swansea University and PAP.

Sport and Exercise Sciences researcher awarded 5th place at ECSS congress

Congratulations to Christian Vassallo who was awarded 5th place in the Young Investigator Award at the annual European College of Sport Science (ECSS) congress. The award was in recognition of his PhD work which was supervised by Dr Mark Waldron and Professor Liam Kilduff.

Christian attended the congress in Glasgow with other postgraduate research students and academics from A-STEM which attracts ~ 3,000 delegates each year. Students James Aggett, Aimee Felstead, Joe Page, Jenny Peel, Alex Swain, Robert Owen, Georgia Scott, Ross Hamilton and Robyn Aitkenhead also presented their research, with Jenny reaching the Young Investigator Award (YIA) finalist position.

Dr Richard Metcalfe led an opening symposium on 'sprint interval exercise for improving health and fitness', which was well received by a large congress crowd. Dr Natalie Brown (female health) and Dr Mark Waldron (human thermoregulation in the heat) were also invited to present their research at the conference.


Rocketry competition success!

In July the Aerospace Department student rocketry society, SwanSEDS (Swansea space exploration and development society), won the overall prize (out of 19 competitors) at the prestigious, ‘Mach X’ rocketry competition in Scotland.  Their rocket, Draig Tawe, achieved an impressive maximum height of 3037m and the team will now have the opportunity to represent the University at the European rocketry competition, EUROC, in Portugal!

MSc Engineering Leadership Management students present findings at TATA Steel

Abdulrahman Ibrahim Alarifi and Vingesh Muthu Kumar, two of MSc ELM students under the guidance of Mr Ian Hobson and Dr Vasilios Samaras, presented their group findings from the year-long project earlier this month to senior members of TATA Steel. This was a great and very rewarding experience for the students.

Featured Event

New IPM 2024: Emerging Opportunities

Looking to learn more about the developments in Integrated Pest Management? Sign up for our symposium this September where we will be bringing together world-renowned researchers, industry representatives, regulatory bodies, growers, supply chain professionals, and end-users to discuss the latest in research and development, policy, and market trends.

Don't miss out on:

  • Engaging discussions on IPM-related issues
  • Industry networking opportunities
  • Integration of various disciplines like biopesticides, AI, health, and more
  • Showcasing multifunctional microbes and growth stimulants
  • Product demonstrations and strategy sessions
  • Networking events for grant applications and collaborations
  Sign up...


Upcoming Lectures:

Professor Daniel Thompson and Professor Ian Mabbett - Wednesday 11th September 2024

  Save your spot


A reminder that a new Canvas hub has been published. Developed by the REF Officers team, this is a central repository for the REF2029 documentation, guidance, resources and news.

The joining link is Please enable notifications as this site will be updated with guidance, news, consultations etc as they are received.


If you are aware of any recent achievements to share, either for yourself or for any members of your team, we would love to hear about them!  We’re interested in stories from academic and professional services communities. Please email any news to Anna Ratcliffe ( Deadline for submissions: 15th of each month.

If you would like to promote a research event on the FSE Events webpage, please contact

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