Esteem Newsletter | July 2023 View online

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Sent on behalf of Professor Perumal Nithiarasu, Associate Dean for Research, Innovation and Impact

Dear Colleagues,

Please read below about some of the Faculty’s most recent success stories. We would particularly like to see more from our Professional Services staff for the next email! 


Ground beneath Antarctica’s most vulnerable glacier mapped for first time

A team of experts led by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) with Professor Bernd Kulessa, Department of Geography, has mapped the geology below the Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica for the first time. The study, published in the journal Science Advances, will give scientists a better idea of how the glacier will behave, building up the evidence needed to understand - and tackle - climate change.

The glacier, which is the size of Great Britain or the US state of Florida, is one of the fastest changing ice-ocean systems in Antarctica. Much of the ice sheet is below sea level and susceptible to rapid, irreversible ice loss that could raise global sea-level by over half a metre within centuries.

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Finding the giant trees of the Amazon

A quest to find the giant trees in the Amazon, which includes Dr Jackie Rosette's work has been featured in a fascinating Nature article.

Last year, Jackie, a remote-sensing specialist from the Department of Geography, was part of an expedition to reach trees that were growing to record heights in the Amazon rainforest.

Starting in the community of Laranjal do Jari, the research team travelled more than 250 kilometres up the Jari River by boat followed by a challenging 20-km slog through steep terrain and dense jungle carrying heavy packs.

Jackie said: “Truthfully, it was the most challenging and physically arduous thing I’ve ever done.”

Parakeets in the park

Professor Emily Shepard, Department of Biosciences, was recently interviewed by the BBC about parakeets which have become established in Morriston Park.

Emily said: “Although they appear quite exotic, parakeets are actually very well adapted to European conditions, not just here, but across France, Spain and Italy.

Urban and suburban parks are their typical environment, so as soon as one area becomes too over-populated or competitive, they seem to fly around in search of somewhere else which looks quite similar.”

Biosciences academics win BBSRC awards

Congratulations to Drs Eva Sonnenschein and Steve Slocombe, Biosciences, who have both won Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) awards. Eva’s project will develop a novel approach to decipher inter-kingdom interactions of a microbiome and its host using advances in engineering. Steve’s project will explore if the eyespot influences buoyancy of oceanic algae, which is crucial for understanding carbon sequestration in the oceans. 

CISM event success

On June 29th the Centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials (CISM) successfully hosted the Thin-film Emergent Technology Research and Applications (TETRA) event. The event showcased insightful discussions on thin-film technology by esteemed academics, researchers, and industry experts. It also included valuable contributions from industry partners such as Qioptiq, Zimmer & Peacock, and NSG Pilkington. The event specifically highlighted the importance of improving intellectual property (IP) management and commercialisation strategies for the University as we work together on ambitious interdisciplinary research projects.


Pupil’s visit Swansea to learn more about the climate crisis

A special two-day community engagement event was recently organised by Professor Sergei Shubin, Department of Geography, and the Climate Action Research Institute to help pupils to find out more about the real consequences of climate change on struggling communities.

More than 250 students attended the event which highlighted a unique illustrated children’s book, A Canvas of Children’s Lives, which features three stories written by children from a Bangladeshi village.

It was developed after schoolchildren shared their experiences of poverty in Bangladesh as part of the PACONDAA project, which aims to engage local farming communities to identify best practice for the future and speak out about the socioeconomic impact of disease outbreaks.

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Artificial Intelligence conference success

Students and researchers came together to discuss AI and its wide variety of applications at a special event hosted by Swansea University.

The annual conference of UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Computing (AIMLAC) was held in collaboration with the Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI, at the University’s Bay Campus.

It saw more than 50 participants taking part in a varied programme of presentations on applications of AI and machine learning in particle physics and astronomy, health, and engineering, while also highlighting developments in computer science.


Call for nominations - Research Culture awards 2023

Early Career Researcher Impact Prize

The Swansea University Research Culture Awards in FSE wishes to recognise and celebrate the exceptional contributions of our faculty, all staff including professional sevices staff and students, in fostering a vibrant research culture in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

These awards will recognise outstanding achievements in the categories of Collaboration, Impact on Creativity, and Impact on Career.

Nomination deadline: 20 August 2023

Any queries please contact: Liz Kenny |

Swansea University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) wish to award outstanding early career researchers whose work shows excellent potential to make an IMPACT outside of Academia. The first prize awardee will receive an allocated project to develop their Impact through the Faculty Impact fund worth up to £15.000.

There will also be a runner up prize to the value of £1000 to develop impact. 

Deadline: 25 August 2023

For Guidelines and queries, please contact: Tomos Watson |


Event Highlights

Integrated Pest Management

University Research Week

Professorial Inaugural Lectures

International Symposium and Networking Event

New IPM - One Health

5 - 7 September, Swansea University

For the second year running, Swansea University has been chosen as the host for this prestigious event which focuses on new and developing innovative programmes in Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

The symposium, led by the Natural Products BioHUB and IBMA, offers a unique opportunity for researchers, technologists and end users to hear from others working in the field and to exchange ideas.

As human, animal, and plant health are inextricably interlinked with each other and the environment, ‘One Health‘ is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

Sponsored by FSE

11 – 15 September, Swansea University

We are delighted to announce that an exciting University-wide Research Week will be held from September 11th to 15th, 2023! This week-long program promises a rich variety of events and workshops designed to engage and inspire participants from all faculties and staff members.

Event Highlights include:

On Monday 11th September the Vice Chancellor, Professor Paul Boyle, will open Swansea University Research Week 2023 at the film showing Rapid Motion Through Space: An Incomplete History of Speed.

On Tuesday, 12th September, there will be an Impact Lecture Series plus a wide range of activities, including exhibitions and posters, taking place in the Taliesin.

PVC Research and Innovation, Professor Helen Griffiths, will conclude Swansea University Research Week 2023 on Friday 15th September.  Come and join us at our Research Culture Lectures and Awards Ceremony, followed by a networking lunch.

 All events are free to attend!

In celebration of the Faculty of Science and Engineering’s newly promoted Professors, we would like to cordially invite you to join us for the inaugural lectures of Professor Ben Evans and Professor Enrico Andreoli on Wednesday 13th September 2023.

An Inaugural Lecture is a significant milestone in an academic staff member’s career and a fantastic opportunity for our Professors to showcase their achievements in research, teaching, innovation and engagement.

This event is part of the University Research Week 2023, sponsored by the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

All staff and students are welcome to attend.

Computational Foundry Lecture Theatre 003, Bay Campus 

  Find out more
  Reserve your place


If you are aware of any recent achievements to share, either for yourself or for any members of your team, we would love to hear about them!  We’re interested in stories from academic and professional services communities. Please email any news to Anna Ratcliffe ( Deadline for submissions: 15th of each month.

If you would like to promote a research event on the FSE Events webpage, please contact

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